Saran sedikit dari gW ...sang admin BLOG ...!!!
Klo ada Terjadi pelanggan warnet dtmpat Lo ada yg usil sperti instal program keylogger ataw install2 yg laen yg mungkin bikin ERROR komptr Lo..trus abis Itu games2 online Lo ampe dhapus smua....dan yg lebih Parah lgi coba2 nyolong,,,komptr Lo ...mending kLo ketahuan sma Lo langsung GEBUGIN ajja Org.a ....!!! hahahah-7..........<maklum_gw Pernah Kecolongan> pngalaman Pribadi.........!!! saran gw jgn mw dbikin RUGI sama Org2 yg jahil dan tidak bertanggung jwb.....!!! mngkin Tutorial gW kgk Lengkap bgt...?? soal.a klo Lengkap nnti Lo kgk manggil gW buat nyettingin yg sampe mantepp bgt.....Wani PIROOO..........wkwkwkk-7
Some Feature Of Handy Cafe are :....
Daftar dsini dan nanti dkirim Lewat Email Kalian..
Nah skrg gW kasih Keterangan2 dan kelebihan handycafe pake bahasa inggris....biar lu org pada pinter bahasa inggris,..........hahahhaha-7 dasar Wong DESOOooo....kuuiiihhh :p
Monitoring Client Computers
Monitor and take the control of your clients from Server. With HandyCafe, you will never need to leave your desk. Everything will be done by one-click.
Member Accounting
Create Members with Special Price and track them easily.
Multi Language
HandyCafe is multi-language. You can create your own language using Language Editor tool.
Remote Management
Manage computers from your server. Take the control of the desktop and do anything you want without leaving your desk.
Desktop Screenshots
Get screenshots from selected computer or from all Network at the same time; save them in different picture formats.
UseTimers to track PlayStation, Wii, XBOX, Wi-fi, Backgammon, Chess, Billard and etc. and charge your customers. Generate Timer reports anytime you need to.
Print Tracking
Track and charge your customers for every printed pages automatically.
Generate transaction reports and export them to different formats.
Create unlimited cashier accounts for Server, control them and enable / disable any feature for their accounts.
Add items to your Cafeteria menu. Your customers can order from HandyCafe Client interface.
Wake-up Computers
Turn on any client computers from Server. Wake-up selected computers or all computers in your network easily.
Log-in / Log-out
Easily Log-in, Log-out, Pay-Out any computers from server. You can select Prepaid, Play & Pay, Time Limited logins and etc.
Shutdown, Reboot, Log-off
Easily shutdown, reboot or log-off selected clients, idle clients or all clients from server by one-click.
Generate unlimited tickets for your customers. Define different prices if you wish.
Multiple Pricing Schemes
Multiple Pricing Schemes
Create different pricing schemes for your needs. Hourly Pricing, Daily Pricing, Pricing by Day, Pricing by Time and etc. You can also apply discounts.
USB Protection
Enable / Disable USB protection for Clients from Server. You will be notified by server if your customer plug-in or plug-out any USB device.
Add any keywords in to the Badwords field. You will be notified by the HandyCafe Server when your customers visit a website which contains a badword on the page title. You can close pages or sendauto send messages
System Requirements
- Windows XP / Vista / 7 (32bit & 64bit)
- 50 MB HDD Space (200 MB Recommended)
- 256 MB RAM (1GB or more Recommended)
- Active Internet Connection
To run HandyCafe after the set-up procedure, Username and Password will be needed. For the first time, these were defined as default and can be changed by the user at any time. Default login username and password of HandyCafe are as given below:
Username: ADMIN
Password: PASSWORD
*** cAsE Sensitive ***
The same information is valid for admin login of HandyCafe Client and also can be changed by server at any time.
Download Handy Cafe From Here
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